Cabinet system in England a comprehensive overview of its structure functions and historical evolution


Cabinet system in England

1. Write a detailed note on Cabinet system in England

2. "Discuss the Cabinet system in England, providing a comprehensive overview of its structure, functions, and historical evolution."

3. "In-depth analysis of the Cabinet system in England: Explore its origins, organizational framework, and the significant role it plays in the country's governance."

4. "Delve into the intricacies of the Cabinet system in England by presenting a detailed account of its establishment, composition, and the decision-making processes within this crucial political institution."

1) Introduction

The cabinet is the real executive of the British systems. It is also called the ministry of the government. The cabinet has been defined as the royal advisers of the state chosen by the Prime Minister in the name of crown. The cabinet must know the supremacy of the Prime Minister and must follow the policies laid down by the Prime Minister. Cabinet is collectively a decision making body of the United kingdom cabinet is consisted of 21 ministers and these are the most senior ministers of the government

2) Meaning of cabinet

A group of individuals who are advisers of the Prime Minister

3) Definition of cabinet

A cabinet is a body of high-ranking state officials of the two houses of the parliament which consists of peers and chief executives of the United Kingdom.

They all are usually called ministers and mutually are responsible and politically depends upon a parliamentary majority for its existence and follows the rules laid down by the Prime Minister

4) Evolution of cabinet system

The modern Cabinet developed long ago with the name of privy council in government of Britain it has its roots in the 11th century - The Privy Council was a group of executive members of the church, who gave advice to the king.

In the 15th century the Privy Council consisted of 40 councilors who were dealing with administrative matters. Because of the failure of such large councils, kings had reduced the circle of advisors. And with the passage of time it become Cabinet from Privy council

5) Nature of British Cabinet

Cabinet is a body which is not recognized by the law. Its existence is only customary e.g. based on custom or conventions

6) Composition of British cabinet

The Prime minister makes the cabinet on the advice of the King. All the members of the cabinet are the members of the parliament. In the institution, there is no legal status of the cabinet 

7) Features of the cabinet system

Following are the feature of cabinet system

I. Exclusion of the king from cabinet

The Queen or King does not attend the cabinet meetings. The King or Queen is not legally bound to attend cabinet meetings on a regular basis or ever. It is constitutionally recognized that they will not attend the meetings

II. Cooperation between Cabinet and Parliament

There is complete cooperation between the cabinet and the Parliament. Both of these departments help each other in official related issues facing by the state as well as they are supporter of each other

III. Leadership of the Prime Minister

The Prime Minister plays a dominant role in Cabinet because cabinet has been formulated by the Prime Minister on the advice of the King. Prime is the keystone of the cabinet and overrule the cabinet

IV. Secrecy

The meetings of the cabinet are secret and private. Every member of the cabinet makes promises of secrecy. The discussion is not release in the public

V. Ministerial responsibility

Individually all the members of the cabinet are responsible persons of the house of commons and they all are liable for their acts

VI. Collective responsibility

Collectively all the members of the cabinet are responsible. All the members work as a team because cabinet stands or falls together as a unit

VII. Political homogeneity

Political homogeneity means that all the members of the cabinet have similar views upon their policies because they belong to one political party

VIII. Unity of cabinet

Unity of the cabinet is the outstanding feature of the British cabinet system. The cabinet always acts as a unit. It wouldn’t be wrong if they are called “the house with one voice” 

IX. No legal status

Cabinet is a body which is not recognized by the law. Its existence is only customary laws. It is not mentioned in written that the cabinet is part of the constitution. The cabinet is called the child of the conventions

8) Functions of the British cabinet

Following are the important functions of the British parliament

I. Policy Making

The cabinet is the policy making body. The cabinet discusses and decides all kinds of national and internal policies. The cabinet decides the measure on account of which administration of the government can be exercised

II. Executive functions

Following are the executive functions of the cabinet

1) Cabinet makes the general policies of the Government

2) It makes the foreign policies of the Government

3) The Cabinet makes strategies for war and peace

4) Cabinet makes appointments of high rank officials of the state

III. Legislative functions

The cabinet controls the legislative activities

1) The Cabinet prepares the speech of the king and king says this speech in the parliament

2) The cabinet prepares all the bills which are to be passed by the parliament

3) Cabinet send summons to the parliament on the advice of the king

4) The cabinet guides the leader of the house in the parliament

IV. Financial functions

The cabinet plays a vital role in this regard. The Cabinet prepares the budget of the country and is responsible for the whole expenditure. The chancellor of the cabinet is the finance minister of the country and is the member of the cabinet

V. Judicial functions

Following are the judicial functions of the courts

1) The judges of the important courts are being appointed on the advice of the cabinet by the King

2) The cabinet prepares the rules and regulations for judiciary 

3) The power of the pardon is exercised by the king is on the advice of the Cabinet

9) Conclusion

The working of the cabinet system in England was very slow but steady. The Prime Minister is the head of the cabinet that makes the cabinet on the advice of the king. All members of the cabinet exercise their large powers almost in all affairs of the government. The members of the parliament are consisted upon high ranking officials of the state and all are ministers of different spheres

Ikyan Shah (Advocate High Court)

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