Composition and functions of the House of Representation under the USA constitution


Composition and functions of the House of Representation under the USA constitution

1) Introduction

The House of Representative is one of Congress's two chambers, and part of the federal government's legislative branch. The legislature of the United States is called congress, the bicameral body. The upper house is called the Senate and lower house is called the House of Representatives and the main function of the congress is to make law. The number of

Voting representatives in the House are fixed by law and no more than 435, as well as they all are representing the population of the 50 states.

2) Composition of Congress

Article 1 sec 1 of the U.S constitution shows that congress is a bicameral body. It consists of two houses

1) Senate
2) House of Representatives

3) Composition of House of Representatives

The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the United States Congress. The composition and powers of the House are established by Article 1 of the United States Constitution. It is popular house of congress and more responsible to the public then the senate

I. Number of representatives

Congress had made an Act of 1920, this Act limits the membership to 435 permanently, which was originally 65

II. Term of House of Representatives

In united states constitution the term of House of Representation has been fixed which is only for two (2) years

4) Qualification and election of House of representative

1. Qualifications:

Following are the qualifications of the representatives

a. Age

A candidate must 25 years old in age otherwise candidate will not eligible

b. Citizenship

A candidate must be citizen of the U.S.A for at least 7 years 

c. Residence

A candidate must be resident of the state from where he wants to take part in election

d. Not to hold office of profit

Candidate must not hold any office of profit under the government of U.S

2. Election of Representative

The House of Representatives has a fixed number of 435 members. Its members serve for two years and after every two years members will be chosen by the people who are at least 18 years of age.

And these elections will hold in 50 U.S states

5) Presiding officer of house of Representatives

The speaker is the presiding officer of the House of Representatives. The members of the House of Representatives choose their speaker itself at the time when congress meets for the first time after the elections

6) Committee of House of Representatives

House of Representatives makes of number of committees and most of the official work is done by these committees

7) Powers of House of Representatives

Since U.S has a presidential form of government it’s lower chamber does not play the vital role but the chief job of the House of Representatives is to represent the interests of the people

The powers of House of Representatives can be categorized as under:

I. Legislative powers

The House of Representatives has equal powers and authority in the making laws or legislation with the coordination of the senate. Ordinary bills can be initiated by any of the chamber

II. Financial powers

The House of Representatives solely has powers to initiate the revenue bills

III. Judicial powers

The House of Representatives participates in impeachment cases and it has empowered to take action against the president or other civil officers 

IV. Executive powers

The executive powers are in the hands of both houses. Both houses can declare war and conclude peace. Both senators and representatives are equally responsible to exercise their powers

V. Constitutional amendment power

The house of representatives participates in constitutional amendments and amendments can be made by the two third majority of both houses

VI. Electoral power

It depends upon the election of president when no candidate gain high majority of votes then house of representatives can elect three highest vote gainers for nomination of president

8) House of Representatives a weak house

The House of Representatives is a weak house. Following are the reasons and causes of the weakness of the House of Representatives.

Powerful role of senate

The U.S. Senate proposes and considers new laws, approves or rejects presidential nominations, provides advice and consent on international treaties, and serves as the high court for impeachment trials

Short term

The term of the House of Representatives is only 2 years which is very short. The members works very disappointedly because of their shorter term

No executive control

The executive who is speaker, is not responsible for the acts of members of the House of Representatives

Large membership

The members of the house of representatives are large in number that’s why there is a limited time on the speeches and they are unable to deliver their point of view regarding any issue under consideration

Limitation on freedom of speech

There is limitation on speech in the House of Representatives and in senate where freedom of speech is allowed which enables the senators to do more justice to the debates 

Direct election of senate

Each state directly elects two senators for six-year terms. The terms of about one-third (33 %) of the Senate membership expire every two years, earning the chamber the nickname “the house that never dies.”

No leadership

Unlike the House of common, there is no leader of the House of Representatives and a spokesman of the government

Locality rule

One of the biggest weaknesses of the members of the House of Representatives is the Locality rule. The U.S constitution provides that a candidate must belong to the state from where he is taking part in the election. This thing throws hurdles in their path of progress

No organization of political party

No one organizes his political party with a different ideology. The idea of the major party and the opposition are much known in the house of representatives

Judicial review

The House of Representatives cannot take judicial review on Supreme Court decisions but the senate can do this. This thing also makes this house more weak

9) Conclusion

The House of Represents various sections of the U.S constitution due to its large membership as compared to the senate. It has less authority which makes it a weak house

Ikyan Shah (Advocate High Court)

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