Salient features of the British constitution

Salient features of the British constitution

Explain the salient features of the British constitution.

1) Introduction

A constitution means certain principles on which the government of the state organizes and determines the relations between the people and the government

The constitutions of U.K is unique in nature and has provided inspiration to other all constitutions of the world

The object of the constitutions is to provide justice and to take up against issues related to violation of rights

2) Definition of constitution

A constitution is a set of fundamental principles according to which a state is governed

3) Salient features of u.k constitution

Following are the salient features of the U.K constitution

1. Unwritten

The British constitution is unwritten in nature but it does not mean that all constitution is unwritten.

It means that the constitution has not been written in a single document.

Some of the components are in written form such as Parliament act of 1911 etc.

2. Evolutionary growth

The British constitution is a result of an evolutionary growth. Conscious efforts as well as needs to time shaped its unintentional growth.

3. Flexible constitution

The British constitution is a flexible constitution and the parliament can amend it by a simple majority by making alterations in the statutory law

4. Unitary

Britain has a unitary constitution. All powers of the state are in the hands of a single government for the whole country. There are no states in Britain.

5. Bicameralism 

The parliament consists of two chambers, the House of Lords and house of commons.

House of commons is a popular chamber whose members directly elected by the people

While the house of lords is basically a hereditary chamber and its members are nominated by the Queen 

6. Supremacy of the Parliament

In the U.K Parliament has complete supremacy or sovereignty. Any enacted law by the parliament cannot be challenged in the court that it is against the constitution

According to DeLoeme

“British Parliament can do everything except to make a man into a woman”

7. Constitutional monarchy

From the constitutional point of view, the crown is the foundation of the entire government

8. Contrast in theory and practice

There is a sharp contrast between theory and practice. Theoretically British government is absolute monarchy but practically the government structure is closer to democratic form

9. Collective responsibility

Ministers are collectively responsible for making law and they cannot make their decisions against government policy. Every minister is individually responsible to play his role positively

10. Limited separation of power

In Britain, there is limited separation of powers. Cabinet which exercise the executive powers is the committee of the parliament and many acts has been provided in order to secure committee from undue influence from the two branches of the government

11. Independence of judiciary

Necessary safeguards have been provided to judicial process from undue interference

Judges are being paid high salaries and their jobs are totally secured

12. Rule of law

The U.K constitution provides rule of law. The Principle of rule of law defines as none of the person is above or below the law. All persons are equal in the eye of law. If any person violates the law he should face the trial of the case in government and no person is given imprisonment until his offense in proved in the court

13. Fundamental rights

Fundamental rights of the citizens have not been gathered in the form of a list in the English constitution. But fundamental rights have been recognized by the courts with the needs to time 

14. Conventions 

Conventions play a vital role in the Britain political system. A government can be established and removed on the basis of conventions in Britain.

15. Two party system

Liberal party has lost its political significance now and now there are only parties Conservative party and second are labor party in Britain

16. Universal adult suffrage

In Britain every individual of the age of 18 has the right to vote

17. Mixed constitution

One of the best quality of the British constitution is that , the British constitution is a mixture of the monarchial and democratic principles

18. Conservativeness 

The British constitution is a symbol of conservativeness. The trend of the people of U.K is absolutely in favor of old institutions and this concept shows their conservativeness

19. Establishment of local government institutions

The existence of local government institutions are symbols of the civil liberties and freedom the of the people of Britain

20. Unreality

Another characteristic of the English constitutions is its unreality. It has been pointed out that nothing is in it. This is totally unreal constitution

4) Elements of English constitution

Following are the elements of the English constitution

1) Statutes of Parliament

2) The common law

3) Constitutional landmark

4) Conventions

5) Judicial decision 

5) Conclusion

U.K constitution is neither absolutely unwritten nor absolutely written it is the combination of the both

It has varies from other exist laws in the world and is very flexible but strong

It has different in nature from other constitutions because theoretically it seems a strong but practically it seems different in nature and very flexible

On the other hand it has been globally recognized by all other constitutions

Ikyan Shah (Advocate High Court)

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