Define Agency and Duties and rights of agents

Define Agency. Duties and rights of agents.


Such a source which creates a relationship between principal and an agent is called agency. And the principal grants authority to the agent and the agent acts on the behalf of the principal. Both the agent and principal can be an individual or an entity, such as a corporation etc. Agent has no his own authority and he can be terminated by principal at any stage. Agent is such person who creates a legal relationship between the principal and the third party

Definition of Agency

Such source which creates relationship between principal and an agent is called agency

Parties to agency

Following are the two parties in the contract of agency


A representative of an agency who acts on the behalf of another person (Principal) in order to legally bind the third party in particular business


Principal is a such person who is being represented before the third party by the agent

Appointment of agent

Every person can be appointed as an agent who has attained the age of majority according to the law and is of sound mind.

Who can be agent

Between the principal and third person, any person can become an agent. But no person who has not attained the age of majority according to law and is not of sound mind, cannot become an agent.

Kinds of Agent


Sub agent is a person who is acting under the control of original agent and is working on the behalf of original agent


Co-agents are persons who are working together with one another on behalf of principal are called co-agent


Advocate is a person who acts as an agent. He appears on the behalf of principal before the court


Banker is a person who acts like an agent on behalf of bank. The relationship between banker and customer is a legal relation


Broker is a person who acts like an agent on the behalf of principal. He employed for buying or selling the goods  between the two parties


An auctioneer is a person who acts like an agent on the behalf of principal and he is authorized to sell goods on the highest price during the public sale

Mercantile agent

A mercantile agent is a person who acts on the behalf of principal and is authorized to sell or buy goods, and collect a loan by using the principal's goods

Del Credere Agent

Del Credere agent is an agent who guarantees to his principal that the person to whom he sells will pay, if he will not pay, I will be liable


A factor is an agent whom goods have been given for sale


An indenter is an agent who sells or buys on the behalf of his principal

Kinds according to extent of authority

Following are the kinds of an agent according to extent of authority

General agent

A general agent is a person who is authorized to do all acts in connection with a particular business. To whom third party can assume that this is a person who has all power to do all acts

Special agent

Special agent is a person who is authorized to do some particular acts in connection with a particular business. He represents his principal in some particular business

Universal agent

Universal agent is a person who is authorized to do all act and he has unlimited powers which have been given by his principal

Rights of Agent

Right of Wage

Agent has the right to give lawful charges to him for providing services against the contract of agency

Right of possession

Agent has right to keep the possession of the property of the principal until that principal pays lawful charges to the agent

Right of commission

Agent has right of commission upon the thing which is under his possession

Right of compensation

Agent has right to receive compensation from the principal for any loss during the completion of the purpose

Right of security

Agent has right to receive the amount of security from principal for any loss likely to be possible

Right of expenses

Agent has right to recover all the expenses which has been expensed during the completion of the purpose

Right of stoppage

Agent has right to stop the process of delivery of goods

Duties of an agent

Following are the duties of an agent

Obey the instructions

It is the duty of an agent to obey the instructions of the principal otherwise he will be held responsible for any loss

Use of skills and knowledge

It is the duty of an agent to use his skills and knowledge for furtherance of the business of the principal

Should not make any secret profit

It is the duty of an agent that he should not make any secret profit from the business of principal

Return of profit

It is the duty of an agent that if he earned the profit from the business he should return it to principal

Payment of all sums

It is the duty of an agent to pay all amounts received on his amount from the business of principal

Showing of accounts

It is the duty of an agent to show his account on the demand of the principal

Separate accounts

It is the duty of an agent to maintain his accounts and keep them separate from principal accounts and not to mix them

Duty in case of principal die or become insane

It is the duty of an agent in case of death or insanity of the principal that he should protect the interests of his legal heirs

Delegation of authority

It is the duty of an agent that he should not delegate his authority to any other person without the consent of the principal

Communicate with principal

It is the duty of an agent to communicate with principal and share all the information with him related to matters of business

Performance with honesty

It is the duty of an agent that he should deal with the business honestly. If he deals the business dishonestly then he is not entitled to receive the wage of his services

Conducting business

It is the duty of an agent to conduct the business of principal

Termination of authority of agent

Following are the ways by which authority of an agent gets terminated

  1. In case of death of principal
  2. In case of death of agent
  3. In case of insanity of principal
  4. In case of insanity of agent
  5. If agent gives up of the business
  6. In principal becomes bankrupt
  7. In case of destruction of the subject matter of the business
  8. In case of expiry of the time


An agent is authorized to create a contract between the third party and principal and he plays his role as middle person in the contract of the agency. Agents act on the behalf of the principal and his authority can be terminated by the principal at any stage or any time without any reason because all powers are vested in principal. Actually agent has no powers but there are a different kinds of agents according to their authorities

Ikyan Shah (Advocate High Court)

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