1. Introduction
Jihaad is a holy war. The spread of Islam by arms is a religious duty of Muslims in general. The goal of Din is to spread the message of Islam in the whole world and to establish the supremacy of Din. The instrument for attaining this goal is dawah (Invitation) in conjunction with jihaad
2. Meaning of Jihaad
The word jihaad has been derived from the Arabic word “Jehad” which means to “Strive hard”
3. Definition of jihaad
Jihaad is the usage of abilities and powers against enemies during fighting in the path of God by means of life, property, tongue, and other than.
4. JIhaad in the light of Quranic verses
In Makki suras of the Holy Quran, patience under attack is taught. No other attitude was allowed to Muslims But in Madni Suras of the Holy Quran, it has been given the right to defend and gradually it became a prescribed duty to fight against enemies The Holy Quran Says” “Fight against such of those who have been given the scripture as believe not in ALLAH or the last day”
5. Hadith in support of jihaad
Following the hadith of the Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him supported the concept of jihaad Hadith Says” “I have been commanded to fight mankind until they say, there is no GOD but ALLAH”
6. Who can declare jihaad
According to Islamic law, the imam or the head of the state can declare the jihaad against the Non-Muslims of the state for the protection of religion
7. When jihaad can be declared
Jihaad can only be declared to ensure the safety of Islam, the Muslim state, and to avoid injuries likely to be made by Non-muslims
8. Conditions for Declaration of War
Following are the conditions for waging war
1) Jihaad is only permitted for the protection of Islam at the time of declaration of jihaad,
Islamic state must be powerful enough to wage a war
2) War cannot be declared when the head of state has no real aim of jihaad
3) After refusal from acceptance of Islam, non-Muslims have a choice to, become dhimmis
and pay jizya and khiraaj or fight with the Muslim state
9. Modes of doing jihaad
There are the following modes of jihaad
1. Jihaad bil Maal
A person who contributes financially to launch jihaad, and cannot take part physically, is called Jihaad Bil Mall.
2. Jihaad bil Nafs
This is to fight the enemy by involving physically. This is the best way of Jihaad and is preferable to any other type of jihaad
3. Jihaad bil illam
If a person who contributes his abilities to the protection and spreading of Islam. It is jihaad bil illam. It can be done by his deeds, actions, knowledge, or other than these. In the modern world, this type of Jihaad is most important
10. Types of jihaad
Following are the types of Jihaad
1. Internal jihaad
Internal Jihaad is used against the evils that are dangerous for Muslim society. Evil customs and Un Islamic acts are a danger to Islam and they should be crushed using Jihaad
2. Jihaad through knowledge
This type of Jihaad is against non-muslims and disbelievers who raise objections against Islam. Muslims must reject such propaganda in the light of the Holy Quran and the Holy Sunnah
3. Jihaad through war
Islam has advocated that a war within the fields should be avoided as far as possible, but if it becomes unavoidable for the cause of Islam. It should be waged and It has two types
A. Difaee jihaad
When the Islamic state is attacked by enemies of Islam, Jihaad is waged to defend the country is called Jihaad Dafie
B. Iqdami jihaad
When the enemies of Islam do not stop doing evils against Muslims, then to attack the enemy is called Iqdami Jihaad e.g. conquest of Makkah
11. Acts forbidden during jihaad
Following acts are forbidden by Islam during Jihaad
- 1) Killing in an Unnecessary and cruel way
- 2) Killing of those who do not participate in war
- 3) Killing of those who are incapable of fighting e.g. Women, minors, etc
- 4) Killing of prisoners in war
- 5) Acts which are forbidden under treaties must be respected
- 6) Killing in an Unnecessary and cruel way
- 7) Killing of a person who surrenders
- 8) Not destroy the organs of men as well as animals
- 9) Slaughtering of animals which is more than needed for food is also forbidden
- 10) Unnecessary destruction of harvest and cutting of trees is forbidden
- 11) Adultery and Zina with captive women is strictly forbidden
- 12) Massacre (Qatal e Aam) is not allowed
- 13) Killing of captives
- 14) Burning of captured men or animal
- 15) Cutting the head of the enemy and sending it to a higher authority is forbidden
- 16) Traders, shopkeepers, and contractors are to be left alone if they do not participate in
- war
- 17) To keep non-Muslims in front while fighting against enemy
- 18) Use of poisonous arrows to the enemy is forbidden
12. Acts permitted during jihaad
Following are the acts permitted during jihaad
- 1) Killing of a person who fought against the Islamic Army
- 2) Any type of weapon may be used except a poisonous weapon
- 3) To detect the presence of the enemy and to surround him in war
- 4) Propaganda against the enemy can be made
- 5) To take possession or destroy enemy property
- 6) To cut the water supply of the enemy
- 7) Using force to get food for the Islamic army
- 8) To do anything which not expressly forbidden
13. Conclusion
ALMIGHTY ALLAH has laid down in the Holy Quran that Muslims should make every possible effort to remove barriers in the way of Islam even fight with enemies and give their lives in the way of ALLAH. The idea of Jihaad is to maintain the balance of power and such can be achieved by way of agreements. Muslims should focus on the institution of dawah (Invitation) on the behalf of Jihaad