Various kinds of punishments

Various kinds of punishments

Various kinds of punishments

Section 53 of The Pakistan Penal Code provides various kinds of punishments


Under section 53 of the Pakistan Penal Code, different punishments have been suggested against the nature of the criminal offence. The purpose of the Codified PPC is to punish the criminal who is punished by the court of law. The purpose of punishment is to make men better or to protect society. With time, various kinds of punishments have been given to offenders to decrease the ratio of crime from society by a court of law or other authorities

Meaning of Punishment

Imposition of the penalty against violation of law is punishment

Definition of Punishment

Punishment is a method of protecting society from offenders and reducing the occurrence of criminal acts

Kinds of punishment

Details of the kinds of punishments authorized by law are as under.

Death Punishment

Under the Pakistan Penal Code, death is capital punishment for offenders which is given for certain offenses under PPC such as:

  1. Murder
  2. Waging War Against Pakistan
  3. Hijacking


Under the Pakistan Penal Code, life imprisonment is a type of punishment for offenders according to it, the offender is sent to jail for their whole life but the duration of this sentence consists of 14 years

Kinds of imprisonment

Rigorous imprisonment

In this type of punishment, the offender remains in jail but he has to do hard labour

Simple Imprisonment

In this type of punishment, the offender remains in jail but he does not hard labour

Period of Imprisonment

  1. The maximum period of imprisonment for the offender is 14 years
  2. The minimum period of imprisonment for the offender is 24 hours or unlimited


The fine is also a punishment under the Pakistan Penal Code, it has been prescribes that according to, an offender will pay a fine against violation of the rights of others, sometime offender pays a fine along with imprisonment for a certain period, if the offender does not pay the fine in this case period of his imprisonment will be exceeded

Solitary confinement

Under the Pakistan Penal Code, solitary confinement is also a type of punishment, according to this, an offender is kept in jail separate from other prisoners as punishment for a specified period or with a full period of imprisonment

Hadd punishment

Under the Pakistan Penal Code, Hadd punishment has been prescribed and according to them, No judge can change or reduce the punishment for these serious crimes because these have been set by ALLAH in the Quran. The Hadd crimes are:

  1. Murder
  2. Apostasy from Islam
  3. Robbery
  4. Theft
  5. Rebellion
  6. Defamation
  7. Alcohol Drinking

Tazir Punishments

Under the Pakistan Penal Code, Tazir punishment has been prescribed according to them, the Judge can change or reduce the punishment for these crimes at his discretion because these have been codified in Criminal law and punishment for it can be fine, imprisonment etc

Forfeiture of property

Under the Pakistan Penal Code, Forfeiture of property was also a punishment, it was a punishment imposed on high political offenders and it was also imposed on offenders who were punishable with death but it has been abolished now under the Pakistan Penal Code


Under the Pakistan Penal Code, whipping is a type of punishment, according to this, the offender is beaten against violation of certain rights or it is imposed on the offender for high criminal activity by the order of law


The word Qisas has been derived from the Arabic word “Qasas” which means “to follow someone in footsteps”

Under the Pakistan Penal Code, it has been prescribed that the offender will receive the same hurt as he gave to the victim, if the offender committed Qatl-e-Amd, he also will be killed


Diyat is also a type of punishment, which has been prescribed in the Pakistan penal code, according to this punishment, the offender is liable to pay compensation to the heirs of the victim.

It is payable only in cases where the offender is guilty of Qatl-e-Amd and where qisas in not enforceable

Objectives of Punishment

Following are the objectives of the punishment

  1. The major objective of the punishment is the protection of the life of the offender
  2. The second objective of the punishment is the protection of the property of the people
  3. Another objective of the punishment is the protection of the state and country
  4. The theory of punishment aim is the maintenance of peace and equality
  5. Protection of the culture and morality
  6. The most important objective is the protection of the rights and liberties of the people
  7. The biggest aim of punishment is to disgrace the crimes and criminal activities
  8. To prevent the other members of the community from repeating crimes

Types of crimes in Pakistan

Following are the types of crime in Pakistan which are punishable under the Pakistan penal code

  1. Murder
  2. Rape
  3. Robbery
  4. Theft
  5. Undue influence
  6. Corruption
  7. Cybercrime
  8. Human trafficking
  9. Attempt to suicide


The measure of punishment varies from time to time according to the nature of the crime committed by the offender. Different kinds of crimes and punishments are available against all kinds of offences. Pakistan's Penal code always follows the Holy Quran & Sunnah to give punishment for Hadd crimes and there is no discretion of the judge on Hadd punishment because these have been prescribed in Islam

Ikyan Shah (Advocate High Court)

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