Showing posts from March, 2024
Convert Private Ltd to Public Ltd 1. Introduction: A company is an association of several individuals formed for some common purpose most of the present-day companies are incorporated under Companies Ordinance 1985. a company is capable of holding pro…
Convert Public Ltd to Private Ltd 1. Introduction: A company is an association of several individuals formed for some common purpose most present-day companies are incorporated under the Companies Ordinance 1985. a company is capable of holding proper…
Difference between Company and Partnership 1. Introduction: A company is an association of several individuals formed for some common purpose. a company is capable of holding property, incurring debt, and suing and being sued in the same manner as an …
Advantages and Disadvantages of Fixed Rule of Law Introduction In the intricate tapestry of legal systems, the concept of a fixed rule of law stands as a cornerstone. As aspiring law students, understanding its nuances is essential. Let's delve…
How chief executive is he appointed 1. Introduction: The board of directors appoints one of its directors as the executive chief. this whole-time executive is called the chief executive or the managing director of the company. he performs dual functio…
How a person becomes a member of a company and ceases to be a member of a company 1. Introduction: A company is defined as a voluntary organization that is an artificial person created by law, having the limited liability of its members and a perpetua…
Appointment powers and duties of an auditor 1. Introduction: Every public company and every private company being a subsidiary of a public company is required to have the annual account and balance sheet audited by the auditor. the articles of associa…
Reduction in shared capital Law and procedure to be followed by a company limited by shares for affecting a reduction in its share capital. 1. Introduction: The capital of a company is generally divided into different categories. the word capital conn…
Procedure for the transfer of shares in a company A comprehensive note on the law and procedure for the transfer of shares in a company registered under the companies ordinance 1. Introduction: The authorized capital of a company is divided into small…
What is winding up the company Who may petition to the court and on what grounds for compulsory winding up.? 1. Introduction: Winding up a company means the end of the life of a company is an artificial person. The winding up of a company is a legal p…
How a company may be wound up voluntarily Under what circumstances a company may be wound up voluntarily? what does winding up commence and what are its consequences? Introduction: Winding up a company means the end of the life of a company. a company…
Articles of Association 1. Introduction: The articles of association is a document regulating the rights of the members of the company among themselves, and how the business of the company shall be conducted. the whole internal management of the compa…
When can the office of a trustee be vacated? The Trusts Act provides the qualification appointment and discharge of trustee. a person appointed as trustee may accept the appointment or may not. it depends upon his own sweet will to accept the appointm…