Injunction Refused

Injunction refused

Injunction Refused

Introduction of Injunction

One of the basic objectives of law is that there should be legal devices through which rights can be enforced and secured. For enforcing and securing rights, redress must be provided against violation of rights. Similarly, the basic objective of the Specific Relief Act is to ensure that there must be a remedy whenever there is a wrong. It reveals that the Specific Relief Act provides some remedies against violation of rights. Preventive relief is one of such remedies. Preventive relief is granted through an injunction.

Definition of Injunction

An injunction can be defined as a judicial order through which a court directs a party to do a certain act or which prohibits a party from doing some act.

Explanation of Injunction

The following points are important for the explanation of to injunction:

Equitable remedy

The injunction is considered an equitable remedy.

Object of injunction

The main object of injunction is to maintain the status quo.

Preventive relief 

If specific relief is granted to prevent a party from doing that act, which he/she is under the obligation not to do such specific relief is termed as preventive relief. Preventive relief can be granted through a temporary or perpetual injunction.

Basic philosophy

The basic philosophy, that works behind the concept of injunction, is Quia Timet. And quia time means "because he fears”

Kinds of Injunction

Followings are two main kinds of injunction:

Temporary Injunction

Under the Specific Relief Act, the temporary injunction can be defined as an injunction, that is to continue till a specified or till further order of the Court.

Temporary injunctions can be granted at any period of a suit and are regulated by the Code of Civil Procedure.

Perpetual Injunction

According to the Specific Relief Act, perpetual injunction can be defined as that injunction, which can only be granted by that decree which is made at the hearing and upon merits of the suit.


Through perpetual injunction, the defendant is perpetually enjoined from non-assertion of a right or from non-commission of an act that can be contrary to the rights of the plaintiff

Cases In Which Injunction Can Be Refused

In the following cases, an injunction cannot be granted according to the Specific Relief Act

Judicial Proceeding of Suit

An injunction cannot be granted to stay a judicial proceeding, that is pending at the institution of that suit, in which is injunction is sought unless such restraint is necessary to prevent a multiplicity of proceedings.

Equally Efficacious Relief

An injunction cannot be granted when equally efficacious relief can certainly be obtained by any other usual mode of proceeding except in case of breach of trust.

Continuing Breach

An injunction cannot be granted to prevent a continuing) breach in which the applicant has silently agreed without protest.

Proceedings of Court

An injunction cannot be granted to stay proceedings in a court, which is not subordinate to that court from which the injunction is sought.

Public Duties of Any Department of Government

An injunction cannot be granted to interfere with the public duties of any department of government.

Proceedings in Any Criminal Matter

An injunction cannot be granted to stay proceedings in any criminal matter

Applying to Any Legislative Body

An injunction cannot be granted to restrain persons from applying to any legislative body.

Breach of A Contract

An injunction cannot be granted to prevent a breach of a contract especially when the performance of a contract cannot be specifically enforced

Act, Which Is Not Nuisance

An injunction cannot be granted to prevent an act on the grounds of a nuisance when it is not reasonably clear whether such an act would be a nuisance or not.

Conduct of Applicant or His/her Agents

An injunction cannot be granted when the conduct of the applicant or his/her agents has been such as to diÅŸ-entitle him/her to the assistance of the court.

Applicant's No Personal Interest in the matter

An injunction cannot be granted where the applicant has no personal interest in the matter.

Sovereign Acts of Foreign Government

An injunction cannot be granted to interfere with the sovereign acts of a Foreign Government.


To conclude, it can be stated that preventive relief is granted either through temporary injunction or perpetual injunction. Both temporary and perpetual injunctions can be granted either in the form of a mandatory injunction or a prohibitory injunction.

#InjunctionRefused #LegalDevices #SpecificReliefAct #PreventiveRelief #JudicialOrder #EquitableRemedy #StatusQuoMaintenance #TemporaryInjunction #PerpetualInjunction #QuiaTimet #CivilProcedure #LegalRights #SovereignActs #LegalRemedies #CourtProceedings #BreachOfContract #PublicDuties #JudicialProceeding #LegalPhilosophy

Ikyan Shah (Advocate High Court)

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