This First Divorce Notice is hereby executed in Lahore on the 15th day of June, 2023.
I, Habib Rana, son of Nabeel Rana, residing at House No. 41, Street No. 4, Valencia town, Lahore, do solemnly declare as follows:
1. That the solemnization of my marriage took place with Mst. Alia Neelum, daughter of Javed Ahmed, holding CNIC No. 30000-000000-0 and residing at House No. 405, Street No. 45, GOR, Lahore, on the 13th of December, 2015. The marriage was conducted with the free consent of both parties' families, and a dower amount of Rs. 150,000/- (prompt/Muajjal) was paid right at the time of the marriage ceremony.
2. Initially, the relations between the parties remained amicable and cordial, but subsequently, differences arose, leading to a strained and uncomfortable relationship. Despite the repeated efforts of elders from both parties to reconcile the matter, all attempts proved futile.
3. Due to the circumstances mentioned above, it has become very difficult for the parties to cohabit as spouses. Therefore, I, with my free will and consent, hereby pronounce the First Divorce upon Mst. Alia Neelum.
I have executed this First Divorce Notice voluntarily and with full awareness, in the presence of the following witnesses.
Deponent: Habib Rana
Son of Nabeel Rana
CNIC No. 37405-000000-0
Witness No.1: __________________ Witness No.2: __________________